This summer, I want to spend a minimum of 5 hours studying every day. I believe that if I put in the hours and time, I would be much more prepared for Year 12, and be ahead of the rest of my cohort. I believe 5 hours is a good amount because it is a number which I feel like wonโ€™t challenge me but will still be effective in producing some sort of result if kept to.


I personally believe in the concept time is directly related to your skill at a certain thing. If you want to improve at an area or trait, you have to put time in, and that is and forever will be the singlehandedly most powerful trait to determine your improvement. Everybody has to put in time in some form to attain a high skill, and although extreme โ€œtalentโ€ exists, it only applies for the top 0.1% and bottom 0.1%, where they are physically or mentally limited, unable to become skilled at something.

This however, does not mean doing the same thing for thousands of hours will garner improvement. To find the most effectiveness in improving a certain skill, the avatar must:

  1. Spend more time than everybody else, over a long period of time, consistently.
  2. Mimic the approaches from a variety of people who are โ€betterโ€ than them, until they could understand the why to their approach.
  3. A correct mental and understanding their inner reason to why they want to improve

The original inspiration for this challenge is when I watched this video of That time, I had a few things going on in life and could not yet dedicate that much time to a consistent routine. However, with the summer holidays ahead, I decided to challenge myself to 56 days of 5 hour MINIMUM studying (280 hours total)

What counts as study?

This will be a STRICT and ABSOLUTE counter for what counts as study. I understand that there will be days where studying feels like a chore, so I have made it as easy to garner study hours. I understand that it is impossible for me to do practice exams and be concentrated, which is why I have to make a conscious effort to.

The rules to counting study time:

  1. It must be tracked on Clockify (or any other time tracking software)
  2. I must believe that it will directly contribute to any of my 6 ATAR subjects.
    • Meaning: If I repeat this same task for a year straight, everyday for an hour, my ATAR score would increase.
  3. It must be 100% focused, and I am not allowed to go on anything distracting that will take away from my attention.
  4. AFK time is not allowed to be tracked.

Few notes on studying Japanese