gas pressure

  • pressure is defined as force per unit area
  • gas particles exert pressure when they collide with the walls of their containers
  • the SI unit of pressure is the pascal
  • there are several units of pressure
    • pascal, kilopascal, atmosphere


  • average kinetic energy is directly proportionate to the Kelvin temperature
    • convert degC to K
    • K = degC + 273

standard temperature and pressure

  • STP standard temp = 0deg C or 273 K (changes to 25deg in Redox, not consistent over all chemistry fields.)
  • standard pressure = 1atm = 7600mm Hg = 760 torr = 101.3 kPa

gas laws

  • the four properties of gases (amount of moles, pressure, volume, temperature)

boyle’s law

  • at constant temperature, the volume of the gas increases as the pressure increases. The volume of the gas decreases and the pressure increases.
  • p1v1 = p2v2

charles law

  • at a constant pressure, the volume of a gas increases as the temperature of the gas increases and the volume decreases when the temperature decreases.
  • increase average kinetic energy.

gay-lussac’s law

  • pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature a constant volume

ideal gas equation - combining the gas laws together

  • P = pressure (kPa)
  • V = measured in litres.
  • n = mole of gas (mol)
  • R = gas constant (0.08314 if using litres, atm, mol and kelvin)
  • T = temperature, must be in kelvin.

avogadros law

  • equal volume of gases at the same temperature and pressure contains equal number of molecules/1 mole of ANT gas takes up a volume of 22.71 L at STP.

applying kinetic energy

  • gases “diffuse” very quickly
    • diffuse mean: movement of particles from high concentration of area to low concentration of area.
    • gases are easily compressed due to large amount of space between particles
    • gases spread out to fill a container due to the negligible forces of attraction between particles.
    • gases exert pressure because the particles move rapidly and collide with the interior surfaces of the container.
    • gases have low densities due to large amount of space between particles.

why increasing temperature increases the pressure of gas in a sealed vessel.

  • increased average kinetic energy of gas particles.
  • increase force of collisions on walls of the cotnainer.
  • increased velocity/speed of particles.
  • increases frequency of collisions with walls of container.

-> rates of reaction

  • rate of reaction increases as temperature increases.
    • if food is left in heat, it gets spoilt pretty quickly.
    • particles with kinetic energy higher than activation energy will have successful collisions.
    • force of collisions will be more significant with higher kinetic energy.

molar volume

  • stp fixed at convenient standard values, molar volume of a gas can be determined.
    • e.g. at stp, 1 mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.71 litres, this is the molar volume.
    • n(CO2) = 5
    • volume occupied = no. moles x molar volume = 5 x 22.71 = 113.55 L