Cambridge Methods 11: Exercises 6C - 6D


  • relations
    • one to one
    • many to one
    • one to many


  • what is a function?
    • a function is a relation where each element of the domain maps onto one element of the range.
    • what is considered functions?
      • one-to-one and many-to-one
    • what is not considered functions?
      • one-to-many are not functions
  • does {(1,5),(1,1),(7,-2),(-5,-10)} describe a function or a relation (explain why and identify the type of function)
    • an input of 1 maps to an out of of 5 and 1 (1)
    • therefore it is a one-to-many relation (1)
    • therefore it is a relation only
  • determine whether the following describe functions or relations.
      • if you rearrange the equation, then therefore it is a one-to-many (because of the ) (1)
      • therefore it is only a relation (not a function) (1)
  • what is a vertical line test
    • if a vertical line intersects the graph no0 more than once over the entire domain, then it is a function
    • if it intersects more than once, it is not a functon
  • what is a horizontal line test (not needed)
  • secret tip to get higher marks
    • be detailed in your explanation