
here is a list of achievable goals i want to be completed by the end of the holidays:

  • DAILY anki (5-20mins)
  • DAILY english composing/responding/comprehending, with the majority of those being composing (~60mins)
  • DAILY SPECIALIST Pearson Chapters (MIN 30mins UNTIL chapter)
  • DAILY METHODS Pearson Chapters (MIN 30mins UNTIL chapter)


i have outlined that the subjects I wish to improve at ranks as follows.

  1. Japanese
  2. English
  3. Physics
  4. Chemistry / Specialist / Methods the question is how do I want to improve at each of those? thus I have devised a routine to cover all aspects of each subject. but the question is WHAT are all the aspects of each subject?
  5. Japanese
    1. Reading
    2. Writing
    3. Listening
    4. Speaking
    5. Vocabulary
  6. English
    1. Language devices
    2. Generic Conventions
    3. Comprehending
      1. Structure
      2. Evidence
      3. Analysis
    4. Responding
      1. Structure
      2. Evidence
      3. Analysis
      4. (major overlaps with comprehending)
    5. Composing
      1. Structure (for genre)
  7. Physics Chemistry
    1. idk??
    2. content??
    3. practice application??
  8. Methods Specialist
    1. practice question