5 Things about me

Thomas Han shares his interests

Published for Buzzfeed, 31st January 2024 www.buzzfeed.com/eL3tw

Are you a new friend of Thomas’ and wants to know more about him? Or perhaps you are his teacher and wants him to convey his interests and improve his English ATAR Composing skills at the same time? Well, this article is the perfect introduction to him for you!

It’s hard to get to know what somebody likes unless you actively ask them, but in some cases, if you do not want to do that, then its a great way to introduce yourself in a “5 Things About Me” listicle which shows his interests and hobbies!

1 Learning

Every student has always been told their number one priority is to learn, especially learning with education, whether it be for grades, social accolades, or just because your parents are forced to. But I enjoy the process of understanding and applying a concept in a variety of subjects I am unfamiliar with. Learning is a skill that I will be applying during my lifetime, so I think it is important to actively try and find the “best” or more realistically “good enough” strategy at getting better at something in the shortest amount of time.

2 Technology

I am interested in all kinds of technology, especially as it is the most volatile and important part of everybody’s lives. The fact that something which had just come about in the last 100 years had engulfed every child, teenager and adult and their everyday lives is impressive, so I always hold a general interest in the upcoming trends of technology and developments. More often than not, these general interests are held towards new video games.

3 School Life

My number one goal for Year 12 is to set consistent habits and systems that are able to set me up for success in my education. Example of this is putting some time everyday revising and studying for a certain subject, so I can avoid cramming the night before the exam, which was often the case in Year 11. I would like to utilise the help of my teachers more in all my subjects, such as asking questions about problems I struggle with instead of dealing with it on my own.

4 Majors

The pathway I decide to take in university will no doubt have a big influence on my future career, which I may or may not deal with for the rest of my life. And because of that, I Believe it is important to do a career which is both economically stable, with high demand, and also something that can be tolerated (or enjoyed) for a long period of time, as I have to be putting up with that profession for a large portion of my life.

For university, I am torn between a Computer Science degree or a pathway into Medicine, and furthering into specialised Medicine. I personally enjoy programming and aspects related to Computer Science, but I am unsure of the economic nor personal stability in the long run. Medicine is a pathway that has proven time and time will always be in some sort of demand, and offer a more appealing pay.

5 English