
  • Vectors can be represented geometrically.
  • To find the resulting vector, use the “head to tail method”


  • Vectors can be subtracted by adding the negative of one of the vectors, and then using the addition method.

Vector Components

  • As Shown with concurrent Vectors, two vectors can be summed together to make a resultant vector.

example: A rocket is launched from ground level at an angle of to the horizontal. If the rocket has a velocity of , calculate:

  1. the initial horizontal velocity.
  2. the initial vertical velocity

Similar Triangles

  • some triangles are similar idk

Inclined planes.

  • Label all forces are acting on the ball:
    • Rolling motion of the ball down the incline is the result of the sum of these two vectors, so we do not draw the rolling force

Boom arms

  • a boom is a type of crane which uses the tension in a rope combined with thrust provided by an arm to lift objects.
  • boom diagram
  • a crane holds 20kg mass suspended above the ground 20degree between boom.
    • calculate vertical tension on the rope:
    • calculate the tension on the rope:
    • calculate the thrust on the boom:
  • consistently practicing with examples and applying different formulas is the biggest difference with year 11 and 12 based on teacher’s observation!