this website and its future

  • my notes is going to be reworked so that it makes better use of active recall.
  • what does this mean? - notes will, instead of individual lesson notes, be structured in a way so it is all in one page. - why? - because then I donโ€™t have to nest a billion files together to one โ€œrootโ€ file, and makes navigation a lot easier. - however, this means sacrificing a lot of the branches of the tree graph, as all the lesson files make up a majority of the โ€œbranches.โ€ - but navigation is simply too complicated, and connecting orphan child to their parents is too much of a task to do. - i have no preview atm but the website will probably be archived somewhere. - notes will instead of simply a summary of what the teacher says, is going to incorporate questions. - it is up to the reader to find the answer to that question - or, if i feel generous and/or the answer is too complicated, iโ€™d put the answer in a toggle right under the question. - *i think the current plan is that I write questions in class, and during lesson breaks/end of day I write down the answers, but this requires more structure and a lot more discipline, which I donโ€™t know if I have in me. - why? - summary of notes is simply too inefficient for me to continue doing. i feel so braindead summarising what the teacher has said because i do not remember what she said afterwards. - if i write them in a question | answer format, then it is very easy to import it into a flashcard builder like anki. yeah thats it the current pages will move to a separate repo, and will be ARCHIVED. new rebuilding will start to occur.

vvvv thing we did in advo (might be useful idk)

thriving minds #3 study planning

study schedule

benefits of study planning

  • why is it beneficial?
    • help use time wisely
    • you can break it down into manageable parts
      • what is this called?
        • chunking
    • break larger tasks into smaller tasks
  • using a diary effectively and sticking to a study schedule = good

how to make a study schedule

  • youtube video: making a study plan by atomi
    • allocate 8 weeks before an exam to prepare.
    • interleaving effect
      • what is this?
        • varying types of content we practice in a study session helps us learn better.
        • mix up topics !!!!!
          • ie mix up all maths topics
    • dont focus too much on ONE exam
      • study plan is key!
      • TAKE ADEQUATE BREAKS (fake news)
  • breking down our study plan
    • incorporates enough time for each subjects
    • 8 study sessions every 2 weeks, across all subjects -> 4 sessions for reach subject per week
    • what to do 7-8 weeks before
      • familiar with syllabus content
        • have complete set of syllabus note
      • revision
        • when do revision? (5-6 weeks before)
          • break down topics
          • use recall practice (ANKI!!?!?? FLASHCARDS??? TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS)
      • 3 weeks: practice practice practice practice practice.
        • short answer and exam style questions.

how to motivate yourself

DIY time to create your own