theorem 8

  • if AB and CD of a circle that cut at a point P (which may be inside or outside the circle), then PA x PB = PC x PD.
  • case 1: the intersection point P is inside the circle.
  • consider triangles APC and DPB
    • (vertically opposite)
    • (angles in the same segment)
  • thus triangle APC is similar to triangle DPB (AAA). This gives: - - points are not labeled properly lmao 300

theorem 9

  • consider triangles PAT and PTB
    • (alternate segment theorem)
    • (angle sum of a triangle)
  • Therefore triangle PAT is similar to triangle PTB. (AA)
  • This gives= - - points are not labeled properly lmao 500 page 140 contains useful summaries of theorems you are expected to know you do not need to know how to prove unless a question asks for you to explain it (which may be a possibility)