
Monroe’s Motivation Sequence

  • a technique for organising persuasive speeches that inspire people to take action.

1. attenzione!

  • get the audience’s attention.
  • e.g. use a hook, anecdote, humour.
  • you should provide some context on who you are, and why you are giving this speech.

2. need or problem

  • establish the need. to be effective, use:
    • examples to show how it impacts the audience. Consider how it impacts their happiness, future, health, family, local area.
    • statistics, fact, figures, diagrams (include the source to add credibility)

3. satisfaction or solution

  • outline the solution succinctly.
  • demonstrate how the solution solves the problem.
  • use examples to show how effective it is.
  • use facts, figures, graphs, diagrams and testimonies to support your solution.
  • acknowledge any known opposition to your solution, and show how your plan overturns it.

4. visualise

  • in this step, the audience needs to experience the future! they should see, feel, taste, hear what will happen if they do (or do not) do what you suggest! use:
    • vivid imagery to convey pleasure and/or pain.
    • anecdotes
    • testimonials
    • get the audience to imagine a world where…

5. action

  • this is your call to action! appeal to kairos - e.g. time is running out, act now! includes:
    • a summary of your three main points.
    • a quotation
    • a challenge or appeal.
    • an example.
    • a personal statement or intent.


  • 16/8 speech finished :33 3 need to get draft checked now
  • 19/8 teacher still hasn’t checked the draft,,, :)