Chapter 7: Circle Geometry

  • in this chapter there will be a lot of geometric proofs.

geometric proofs

  • focus is on euclidean geometry
  • assumed to know
    • angle sum theorems for triangles & quadrilaterals.
    • properties of intersecting lines (congruence of vertically opposite angles).
    • relationships involving angles in parallel lines with a transversal (corresponding, alternate interior etc etc.)
    • isosceles triangle theorem (angles opposite congruent sides in a triangle are themselves congruent).
    • triangle congruence and similarity โ€˜testsโ€™ (SSS, SAS, etc)


  • a circle is the set of all points at a given distance r from a given point called the centre.
  • two points on a circle defines two arcs:
    • if the two points are not diametrically opposite each other, then there exists a smaller and bigger arc called the
      • **minor arc
      • major arc**
    • if it is diametrically opposite each other, then there exists two semi circles.
    • points drawn from the centre to the edges of an arc is called a sector.
      • minor sector, major sector
    • if you join the circle with a straight line (called a chord), it is called a segment.
  • subtending: the angle constructed by the arc.
    • subtending does not have to occur only in a sector, a minor arc AB can subtend the angle ACB at the โ€˜circumferenceโ€™ of the circle

circle theorems

1. an angle at the centre is twice the angle of the circumference

  • prove that
  • proof:
    • (radii)
    • is isosceles.
    • ( is isosceles)
    • (exterior angle is sum of remote interior angles.)
    • theorem: in a triangle, an exterior angle is the sum of the 2 remote interior angles.
      • c = 180 [sum of a and b]
      • c = 180 - [exterior angle]

2. angles in a semicircle are right angles

  • refer to edwards note :D

3. angles in the same segment are equal

  • uh
  • a cyclic quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all line on the same circle

4. opposite angles of a cyclical quadrilateral are supplementary