
the story so far (like the band)

  • any 2d vector can be resolved into a sum of horizontal and vertical components, written as ai + bj where i and j are unit vectors.
  • i is le horizontal vector | magnitude of 1
  • j is le vertical vector | magnitude of 1
  • if a horizontal vector has a magnitude of 4, then it will be 4i (what?!)
  • pretend theres a vertical vector with magnitude of 6, then it will be 6j?!
    • such 4i + 6j = the vector
  • that is essentially component form
  • ai + bj can be written as <a, b> or
  • the miracle
    • vectors in component form can be added by adding their components and simplifying (WHAT?!):
    • incredible stuff
  • vectors must undergo conversion
  • questions may need your answer in magnitude and direction form, shown as followed:
    • magnitude and direction -> component form -> magnitude and direction.
    • therefore it is an important skill to convert


  • write the following vector in component form vector
  • use trig
  • u = ai + bj
  • cos(4) = a/5
    • a = 5cos40
  • sin(40) = b/5
    • b = 5sin40
  • u = 5cos40i + 5sin40j
    • = 3.83i + 3.21j
  • a vector v can be written in component form as
  • where 0 is the angle of the vector measured anti-clockwise from east
  • put negative sign on the corresponding thingy if it is not facing up and not facing right.

idk what to title this something something equilibrium

  • find and if the forces below are in equilibrium.
  • the sum of the forces is the zero vector
  • vector equation
    • and
    • and