Assumed Knowledge (from methods)

  • Angles in degrees in radians (and converting between units).
  • Defining sin and cos using the unit circle.
  • Graphs of y = sinx, y = cosx and y = tanx.
  • The pythagorean identity.
  • Symmetry properties of trig functions.
  • Exact values of trig functions for integer multiples of , , and radians.

Sketch the graph of the function

h: [0, 2pi] -> , h(x) = dilations first, followed by translations, provided it is written in the factorised form.

General solutions to trig equations.


  • sin (x) = 1/2
    • we said within one revolution of a unit circle, there exists two solutions for this statement.
    • 2 out of infinity many solutions, with other solutions that can be obtained by some number of revolutions around the unit circle.
    • in general, , for some integer k

more on general solutions

  • for the trigonometric equation such as . there exists infinitely many solutions.

  • if you put the equation in a calculator, <- only 1 definite value, out of infinite values is given, not even two values of the unit circle.

    • how does the calculator decide which value to give?
    • there exists a rule/notion of what an inverse of a trig function gives you.
  • think of as a function, such value -> -> angle

    • we need to define a range for the possible outputs
      • by convention, has range
      • by convention, the graph of is:
        • 300
      • has range
        • 300
      • has range
        • 500
  • consider the trig equation

  • by convention,

  • the solution in the reflected position can be negative

  • this can be expressed as

  • consider the trig equation - a calculator gives - the other solution is - so general solution is - or

    dont have to write in this form, but you may see this form in questions!

  • relationship between b and period is that b = 2pi/period for y = cos(bx)

proving trigonometric identities

  • prove LHS and RHS
  • e.g. prove that
  • write
  • (using )
  • (using pythagorean identity)
  • Thus for all
  • usually its better to start with the side that looks more complex as the LHS.
    • there are exceptions though.

reciprocal trigonometric functions

  • sec theta = 1/costheta

  • cosec theta = 1/sintheta

  • cot theta = 1/tan theta (= costheta/sintheta)

  • an untranslated sec graph will have a minimum point on the y axis, so we can say there has been no hroizontal translation. so we can say the value of a is positive, as we expect the value to be a positive 3

    • if a = 3, then c = 0 (what is going on)
  • sec x = 1/cos(x)

  • however, 3sec(2x)+1 != 1/3(cos(2x))+1

    • you cant do the translation on cosine, then getting the reciprocal - it just wont work XDDDDDDDD.

9C: compound and double angle formula

  • sin(A+B) = sinA + sinB??????
  • f(x) = x + 3
  • f(a+b) = a + b + 3
  • f(a) + f(b)
    • = a + 3 + b + 3
    • a + b + b
    • != f(a + b)
    • therefore it is not equal

angle sum and difference identities

  • how to prove (or derive) them:
    • start by deriving cos(A-b) = cosAcosB + sinAsinB
    • who knows now

double angle formulae

  • cos(A+A) = cosAcosA - sinAsinA
  • cos(2A) =
  • do 9C yayayayayayayayayay

how to use the compound angle formulas

  • determine exact values for sin 15
  • sin 15 = sin (45 - 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • find exact value of sin (A+ B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB :DDDDD yay
  • since A is acute, sin A = 12/13 (for another question)

9D sum of trigonometric functions

  • very important later on in the year 12 course apparently. (auxilliary angle)
  • consider and
  • what does the graph of look like?
  • wave interference / superposition oh my god!!!!!!!
  • very easy what youd get if you add these two graphs, but it becomes complicated when two graphs with different phase shifts get added!
  • consider a sine and cosine graph:
  • maximum is
  • how to prove that \sin x+\cos x=\sqrt{ 2 } \sin \left( x + \frac{\pi}{4} \right)$$$$\sin x + \cos x = \sqrt{ 2 } \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{ 2 } } \sin x+\frac{1}{\sqrt{ 2 }} \cos x\right)$$$$=\sqrt{ 2 }\left( \cos \frac{\pi}{4} \sin x + \sin \frac{\pi}{4} \cos(x) \right)$$$$=\sqrt{ 2 } \left( \sin x \cos \frac{\pi}{4} +\cos x\sin \frac{\pi}{4} \right)$$$$=\sqrt{ 2 }\sin\left( x+\frac{\pi}{4} \right)
  • general version, if you dont know sqrt(2)a\sin x+b \cos x = \sqrt{ a^2+b^2 } \left( \frac{a}{\sqrt{ a^2 + b^2 }} \sin x + \frac{b}{\sqrt{ a^2 + b^2 }} \cos x \right)$$$$=\sqrt{ a^2+b^2 } (\cos \alpha \sin x + \sin \alpha \cos x)$$$$=\sqrt{ a^2 + b^2 } \sin(2x+\alpha) (?)