what is this? why is this?

  • This is the start of a new structuring/hierarchy system for my notes
  • Everything will be organised by tags, as I found navigating folders has been way too painful to deal with, Iโ€™ll see how it goes.
  • Github viewers, everything old is in archive; but it doesnโ€™t really matter, as externally you canโ€™t see the folders anyways.
  • TL:DR im wasting too much time on folder parents and children so I am discontinuing that and only exclusively using notes, not creating any folders (daily, images are exceptions, but I might unfolder them too)
    • hopefully my tree will have more functionality and looks nicer :)
    • 18/10/23 UPDATE: i have switched back to folders to work better with the explorer. i am using auto note mover to not manually move my notes into AE/ anything :>
  • this decision was done on 2023-09-01โ€™s daily note