experiment with text types

  • in order to make a decision about which text type plays to your strengths, you have to experiment with your writing. one way to do this is to take a single prompt and transfer into different text types.

prompt: in a text type of your choice compose a text that makes comment on a contemporary Australian issue

  • persuasive
    • speech
    • feature article
  • interpretive
    • biography
    • personal essay
    • diary entry
text typepossible ideasfeature or genre/text
imaginative (short story)setting: australian beach
issue: bushfires
situation: a group of people are trapped by fire and have to retreat into the ocean for safety
- first person pov, descriptive language, dialogue, title, plot structure
imaginative (script)setting: rural australia
issue: bushfires
characters: volunteer firefighters faced with victim reluctant to leave their houses in spite of impending inferno
- setting/character description, dialogue, stage direction, title
  • australian issues
    • asylum seekers
    • indigenous rights
    • homelessness
    • rights of the elderly