Notes taken from 3/8/23โ€™s english day presentations.

the last daughter - brenda matthews

  • sharing stories has been in the culture for a long time.
  • story of loss, disconnection, hurt, abandonment, but also of love.
  • 7 dolls - small comfort to replace the feeling of loss (of the 7 children)
  • loving mother who fought to get her children back.
  • after 5 years, finally back.
  • over time, the family became strangers.
  • disconnection & loss of identity - stolen.
  • at the age of 6, told she is adopted - lost identity, where did she come from? who were my parents?
  • world constantly torn apart, removed from black family, then removed from white family. stolen twice.
  • abandonment; resentment; jealousy.
  • connection to country.
  • dual identities.
  • the voices that tells you you are not good enough.
  • forgiveness.
    • generation after generation, her family has been taken away.
    • let it go without resentment, what has been done has been done, reunite with both parents, complete the circle.
  • hurter or healer.
  • acknowledging is the first step to healing.

cosy crime & genre convention - alexander thrope

  • writing is subjective
  • cosy crime - what is it?
    • greater focus on the puzzle than the crime itself.
  • whatโ€™s in a genreโ€ฆ?
    • helps people make a selection.
    • useful as a guideline for writing a story.
    • knoxโ€™s 10 rules

pro english responding tips

  • topic sentence: start with link to question, then have evidence.

practice thesises 2. how has your understanding of the context enhanced your appreciation of the ideas presented in one or more studied texts? thesis: โ€œBeetlejuiceโ€ enhanced my appreciation of the idea that the film exists on a thin line between juxtaposing genres of horror and comedy through โ€œBeetlejuiceโ€™sโ€ context of production, interviews, and the life and childhood of Tim Burton. 3. discuss how narrative conventions, language, and/or stylistic features position you to respond to the issue or ideas in one or more studied texts. thesis: I as the contemporary audience are positioned to acknowledge the idea that films can exist on the thin line between the juxtaposing genres of horror and comedy through โ€œBeetlejuiceโ€™sโ€ employment of