holiday plan

  • officially start of school holidays
  • no MORE PLAYING !!!
  • goals for this holidays is:
  1. study and be prepared for exams
  2. not be a fatass
  3. not burn out

12 hours a day

  • i have decided to study for 12 hours a day during the holidays (168 hours) in the next two weeks
  • there will be 7 practice exams for each subject, 3 hours per exam, and an extra hour for consolidating information, creating, revising anki flashcards and whatnot.

japalapeno and english

  • these two subjects are a bit different, because there is 1. not enough practice exams/practice exams are a bit broken and 2. traditional practice exam and โ€œquestion bankโ€ isnt really helpful
  • ill allocate the middle of the day to these two subjects, as no timed conditions should make it p easy to do and stuff (?)

the schedule

  • 6am: wake up, eat breakfast
    • after breakfast, just revise speaking questions until ~7am
  • 7am: first practice exam
  • ~10am: marking exam and revising relevant material.
  • ~1pm: lunch is around here, pause exam if necessary, but lunch usually takes up at most 0.5 hours.
  • 4pm: second practice exam
  • ~7pm: marking exam and revising relevant material.
  • ~7pm: dinner should be around here (0.5 hours max)
  • 8pm: preparing the shit for the next day; workout, shower, get ready for bed.
  • 9pm: revise speaking questions and left over anki flashcards
  • 10pm: sleep


  • how do you keep your sanity during this time? isnt it excessive to do three exams a day straight?
  • youโ€™re rightโ€ฆ which is why I have allocated 10 minutes in between each section (eg multiple choice, extended response, calc-free/calc-assumed) where I can walk around the house!


  • one large obstacle stands before me - how do I rid myself of distractions?
  • i have identified two big distractions:
    • my pc
      • q.q maybe unplug it : /
    • my phone
      • will just uninstall every distractful app, and log out of youtube.