reactions, particles and collisions

  • particles colliding with a certain amount of energy cause reactions.
  • activation energy : minimum amount of energy needed for reactions.
  • rate of reactions dependency:
    • frequency of collisions
    • energy with which particles collide
  • if particles collide with less energy than activation energy, will not pull. particles will just bounce off each other if energy lower than activation energy
  • rate of reaction factors
    • temperature
    • concentration of dissolved reactants
      • pressure of gaseous reactants
    • surface area of solid reactants
    • use of a catalyst
    • โŒ more โœ… higher frequency
  • reactions not steady rate. start off certain speed, and get slower until they stop.
  • concentration of reactants decreases during reaction progress.
    • reduces the frequency of collisions between particles and reaction slows down.
  • the effect of increasing temperature on the rate of reaction:
    • increased average kinetic energy of particles
    • increased velocity/speed of particles
    • increased frequency of collisions
    • increased proportion of collisions with sufficient kinetic energy to overcome activation energy
    • increased frequency of *successful collisions; increased rate of reaction