• today i completed the physics investigation and japanese listening test, and recieved my marks back for english.
  • itโ€™s safe to say i still have a long way to go before i am proud of myself for my studies.
  • i believe my detriment to the inability to be motivated.
  • hence i have identified the issues of motivation and below will list ideas on how to improve it.
    • goal setting: i find it difficult to continue or to derive a fundamental โ€œreasonโ€ to study.
      • thus i have determined i need to set both short-term and long-term goals to set proper motivation for myself.
      • the long-term aspect, i find no struggle in.
      • i want to get a good job, i want to get into a good university, i want to live a happy and fulfilling life.
      • but the short-term goal-setting is something i struggle in identifiying and creating.
      • here is a list of short-term goals i can refer back to in the future:
        • test scores, already applicable and ineffective for me.
        • improving oneself to be better than yesterday.
        • competition.
    • time management: the aspect of managing time i can do easy enough, however, when it comes to following a schedule, i fail. i need to increase dicsipline in this area.
    • reflection: furthermore, i should reflect on tests and other areas to identitfy areas of improvement. i find myself not reflecting and rushing to the doing stage.
  • i hope i can refer back to todays daily taco to find a reason to derive my fundamental motivation from.

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